


当处理1个左右的投资组合时,000 different parts it is no easy task to fulfill growing demands on technical surface cleanliness reliably. 为了迎接这一挑战, the precision part supplier Allweier not only invested in two new custom-equipped cleaning systems but also acquired a set of versatile cleaning tanks built to match the needs of the cleaning process. 多亏了这种结合, the machining contractor meets all cleanliness specifications in a forward-looking and tangibly more cost-effective manner.

在传动工程领域, 近10年来,Allweier Systeme GmbH一直是该领域的主要参与者. Allweier Präzisionsteile GmbH was established more than four decades ago as a vendor and system / development partner for machining solutions. 这家总部位于Überlingen/Germany的家族企业的核心竞争力, 在康斯坦斯湖畔, 数控车削, 铣削和研磨服务,以及模块和组件组装. The company owns an extensive pool of highly advanced equipment for machining aluminium parts (including castings) in addition to steels, 铸铁, 铸钢, 钛, 特殊材料. 其投资组合目前约有1亿美元,000个不同的项目,用于机械工程的不同应用, 工厂建设, 汽车制造, 输送机技术与机器人技术, 船舶和近海系统, 光学和医疗设备, 铁路及其他界别. 总的来说,奥维耶每年加工约2000万个零件.

“清洗机加工零件是一项相当大的挑战, 一方面,一方面, 因为材料的多样性, 零件几何形状和尺寸. 另一方面, demands on the technical cleanliness of surfaces have grown significantly over the last few years. 如今,诸如“大于600微米的零颗粒”之类的要求很常见, 而且钢铁部件也需要得到完美的防腐保护。”, 托马斯·施密特解释道, Allweier Präzisionsteile GmbH回转加工工艺技术规划师. In order to reach the specified levels of cleanliness with due process reliability while boosting the efficiency of the cleaning step in the manufacturing chain, the company invested in two Universal 81W cleaning systems from Ecoclean GmbH plus a set of custom-designed cleaning tanks designed and manufactured by Metallform Wächter GmbH.


“我们与四家设备制造商进行了交谈,并进行了清洁试验. Ecoclean not merely gave us excellent advice but also offered the equipment solution best suited to our task“, 托马斯·施密特报道。. 万能81W有一个真空密闭的工作腔,用于清洗, 进行冲洗和干燥操作. Both systems ordered are designed for a basket size of 670 x 480 x 300 mm (LxWxH) and a maximum charge weight of 150 kg. In order to ensure a reliable removal of adhering particles and chips as well as of machining fluid residue, the work chamber is equipped with a high-performance injection flood washing function plus an ultrasonic cleaning system with a power rating of 10 watts per liter of bath volume. 零件干燥采用热风和真空联合处理. „We also have parts with cavities which often were still moist upon leaving our old continuous cleaning line. 多亏了真空干燥技术,这些产品现在也100%干燥了。.

The different requirements on cleaning aluminium and steel parts are addressed by tailor-made configuration of the new cleaning systems. 因此,用于钢部件和钢铸件的系统有四个贮水池. 这使得在清洗步骤中使用的流体可以适应给定的部件(i).e.(钢或铸件). 第三和第四个储液罐分别存放冲洗液和保存液. 铝清洗线上的通用81W配有三个水箱. 它包括用于脱矿漂洗水的附加处理系统. 这种水的质量是连续监测的. 铝制零件, it is very important to rinse with demineralized water and to ensure quick and complete drying. 这确保了零件不会有污渍和变色。”, 技术规划师解释道.

大约80%的零件在规定的位置清洗. Parts are supplied by an automatic feeding system comprising buffer sections at the entry and exit. 适当的清洗程序存储在系统控制器中. The part-specific program for each load is selected either by a basket identification system using sensors, 或者由操作员手动操作. After the cleaning process the parts pass through a cooling zone from which they emerge ready for immediate packaging.

The fluids from all flood tanks are subjected to full-flow filtration in the supply and return lines alike. 而清洗液则通过袋式过滤器过滤, 滤筒过滤器用于冲洗和防腐液. 该系统可高效去除颗粒污染物. 薄膜型污染物,如乳剂,首先由油分离器去除,然后, 额外清洁, 通过水产养殖系统. The latter evaporates the fluid from the flood tanks and returns the condensed liquid into the process circuit while collecting the dirt residue in the Aquaclean tank. This fluid treatment method increases bath life while also reducing the equipment outage times necessitated by bath changes.


以充分发挥其新系统的潜力, 奥尔维耶同时投资了一套新的清洗罐. These allow all parts to be variously arranged inside for maximum cleaning and drying performance. The requirement spelled out by the company to its four candidate suppliers was that all parts had to be protected as effectively as possible in the tank, 除了被安排和固定以承受旋转之外. 毕竟,在清洗循环中,篮子要旋转360度. 此外, each tank needed to hold a maximum number of parts without restricting fluid or ultrasound access to the product and hence, 影响系统的清洁作用. 易于操作同样是优先考虑的问题. “在第一阶段,我们研究了10个不同部件的油箱. 考虑到这一目标,所有公司都从我们这里收到了相同的文件. 早在投标阶段,Metallform就在其他供应商中脱颖而出. 例如, 他们提供了水箱的3D设计图纸,里面摆放着产品, 所以我立刻就能想象出这个零件该如何放置和固定在篮子里. 他们的咨询服务过去和现在都很出色. 所有这些都有足够的能力和深入的分析作为后盾。”, 托马斯·施密特解释了他的公司支持Metallform Wächter GmbH的决定.

除了一系列的刚性, 针对快速销售部件的特定产品载体, 实现了各种不同的半柔性和全柔性解决方案. These are designed to be used for different components or component families at the same time and to be quickly and easily adaptable to another part by the operator while production continues. „Metallform is showing us optimum support in reducing the necessary number of part carriers by providing flexible technology. We derive benefit from this not merely by saving investment cost but also through reduced space demand on the shop floor“, 技术规划师解释道. 例如, the range comprises a part carrier for aluminium annular housings measuring between 240 and 320 mm in diameter and between 20 and 100 mm in length. Relocatable prism-type rake supports inserted into the basic carrier allow different parts to be reliably accommodated and secured. 同时, the part fixtures can be arranged such as to be in contact with the parts at uncritical points only. 对于不同直径的圆盘形零件,Metallform开发了一个完全可变的系统. It consists of two different inserts of which one defines the number of shelf rows while the other defines their depth. 因此,可以在任何时间内创建零件保持结构, 无论是在MEFO盒子里还是在基本的架子上. 锁定是通过弹簧加载的快速接合螺栓.

All part carriers and cleaning baskets are made of round stainless steel wire with an electropolished surface finish. 圆形电线使流体和超声波进入零件. In addition, optimum draining properties are ensured while dirt and fluid carryover is minimized. 此外,圆形导线提供了一个减少的接触表面积. 局部护套夹在特氟龙管部分额外的部分保护是一种选择.


这种新的清洗系统和储罐的组合使奥威耶不仅达到, 但事实上,以可靠的方式优于所有部件的技术清洁标准. “我们定期进行实验室分析, 这些都表明,我们正在取得更好的清洁效果. 与我们以前的连续清洗线不同,该系统不需要压缩空气进行干燥. 此外, the cleaning process is so effective now that the parts made in three shifts can be cleaned in just around two. So it goes without saying that we are working more efficiently as well“, Thomas Schmidt concludes.

作者:Doris Schulz

Mr. 版Rainer Straub写的

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